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- /*
- ** AREXX $VER:TeXedit.rexx V1.45 (12.11.1995)
- **
- ** This ARexx script is called from virtex (or initex) in case of an
- ** error or if the 'e' command is used, and it's given the current file
- ** and line number as arguments. It may be called from the TeX-server too.
- ** We will successively call CygnusEd (CED) or Micro(GNU)Emacs (MG) to
- ** load the file and the logfile. Other editors welcome!
- **
- ** INPUTS:
- ** 1: filename to edit (please no spaces in filename)
- ** 2: line where error occured
- **
- ** BUGS:
- ** GETCLIP("TEXFILE") gets precedence over any other information for
- ** retrieving the logfile, so if you alternately start virtex directly
- ** from CLI while the server is active, the wrong files may be loaded.
- **
- ** This file tries to cope with the following version (PasTeX 1.2a)
- ** > This is a PD-Version of Pas-TeX (made Jan 30 1991 [br]/[hes])
- ** > This is TeX, C Version 3.1
- ** (The logfile is sometimes put at the wrong place.)
- **
- ** Does not handle names relative to the local root correctly (like ":foo/bar")
- **
- ** See each editor relative bugs below.
- **
- ** FILES:
- ** Rexx:NameStruc
- ** LIBS:rexxsupport.library
- **
- ** J\"org H\"ohle, since March 91
- ** Georg Hessmann, previous version
- **
- ** Modifications for personal use by Andreas Scherer, 1993, 1994.
- ** 12.11.95: Search for `l.NUMBER' in the first column only in order
- ** to use this script with LaTeX output.
- */
- If ~Show('Libraries','rexxsupport.library') Then
- If ~AddLib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30,0) Then Do
- Say "Konnte 'rexxsupport.library' nicht öffnen!"
- Exit 20
- End
- /*
- ** The TeX server may want to know that we have been called.
- */
- Call SetClip("TEXTIME",TIME('s'))
- /*
- ** If the TeX 'e' command was used to call the editor,
- ** don't ask if files should be loaded.
- */
- If "EDIT" ~= Upper(MyGetEnv("TEXREXX")) Then
- Else
- Parse Value NameStruc(FILENAME) With IVOL IDIRS IBASE .
- /*
- ** The idea in the following statements is to get an absolute path
- ** for <filename>. The result will be stored in <errnfile>. For example,
- ** "CD TeX:bar" "virtex foo" should give <filename>=foo, and
- ** <errnfile>=TeX:bar/foo. This is necessary because the editor doesn't
- ** know where file foo is located, but will be able to load file
- ** TeX:bar/foo.
- */
- If "" = MAINNAME Then Do
- /*
- ** TeX has not been started through some Start_TeX.#? script.
- ** We have a hard time finding the right directories.
- */
- TEXDIR = Pragma('d')
- /*
- ** Amiga OS dirnames should end with either `:' or `/'.
- ** Thus you need just append the filename.
- */
- If Right(TEXDIR,1) ~= ':' & Right(TEXDIR,1) ~= '/' Then
- If 0 = IVOL Then Do
- /*
- ** The logfile is in the current dir.
- */
- End; Else Do
- If 0 = IDIRS Then
- /*
- ** This is a bug in virtex from PasTeX12a (made Jan 30 1991 [br]/[hes])
- ** The logfile is *not* in virtex's directory, but rather in the
- ** source's directory if a device name, but no subsequent directory was
- ** given. I.e, virtex (CD in RAM) TeX:sample would put the errorfile in
- ** TeX: and not in RAM: as it should be.
- */
- Else
- End
- End; Else Do
- /*
- ** TeX was started through Start_TeX.#? scripts.
- ** "TEXFILE" tells us CD and the main file.
- */
- Parse Value NameStruc(MAINNAME) With MVOL MDIRS MBASE .
- If 0 ~= IVOL Then
- Else
- End
- /*
- ** 0 = ibase would mean that the call was incorrect, for example when
- ** TEXREXXEDIT says "TeXedit.rexx" and not "TeXedit.rexx %s %d"
- */
- If 0 = IBASE | ~Exists(ERRNFILE) Then Do
- Say "TeXedit.rexx: Konnte fehlerhafte Datei nicht finden."
- Exit 10
- End; Else If ~Exists(LOGFILE) Then Do
- Say "TeXedit.rexx: Konnte Logfile nicht finden."
- LOGFILE = ""
- /*
- ** But we continue.
- */
- End
- /*
- ** Here starts each editor's specific part.
- */
- /*
- ** Cygnus Ed Professional Version 3.5+
- */
- If Show('Port','rexx_ced') Then Do
- Address 'rexx_ced'
- Options Results
- CEDtoFront
- /*
- ** The following should not be commented out, as this macro is called
- ** asynchronously, and it would be very bad for the user to have it's
- ** input mixed with the newly loaded files. Popping up a requester
- ** ensures that the user does not type in something and waits for the
- ** files to be loaded. This is the method I use for synchronization. (JCH)
- */
- If ASKLOAD Then Do
- Okay2 "TeX fand einen Fehler in der Datei"'0A'X"'"ERRNFILE"'. Datei laden?"
- If 1 ~= RESULT Then
- Exit 0
- End
- /*
- ** Make sure the TEX-file is loaded. This works with CED 3.5+ only.
- ** There was no mechanism to make sure that the errorneous file was
- ** actually loaded in one of the views. If it wasn't, the next command
- ** would open a second view for the log file and a *third* for the
- ** TeX-file, but half of the CED screen was left empty with `Unnamed.'
- ** You could replace this by `jump to file' for CED 2.12.
- */
- /*
- ** TODO: We should really delete old logfiles automatically, without letting
- ** CED open a requester to ask if an old modified file may be
- ** overwritten or not.
- */
- If "" ~= LOGFILE Then Do
- 'jump to file "'LOGFILE'"'
- /*
- ** Always assume the logfile currently loaded is old,
- ** because TeX generated a new one.
- */
- If 0 ~= RESULT Then
- Quit
- Open new
- Open '"'LOGFILE'"'
- /*
- ** Now it's non-editable.
- */
- Editable file
- Beg of file
- /*
- ** If we don't have the line number: search the number in the logfile. (hes)
- */
- If 0 ~= NUMBER Then
- 'Search for' "l."NUMBER
- Else Do
- /*
- ** LaTeX mit seinen wilden Meldungen im Logfile müllt alles zu. Es ist
- ** gar nicht unwahrscheinlich, daß `l.' auftaucht, ohne eine Zeilennummer
- ** zu markieren. Da ich davon ausgehe, daß bei Aufruf dieses Scripts ein
- ** Fehler vorliegt, suche ich solange nach `l.', bis es in der ersten
- ** Spalte steht. Die weitere Verarbeitung bleibt unverändert.
- ** 12.11.1995 (as)
- */
- Do Until 1 = COLUMN
- 'Search for' "l."
- If FOUND Then Do
- Right
- Status CursorColumn
- End
- Else COLUMN = 1
- End
- /*
- ** Take the current line from CED.
- */
- 'Status 55'
- Parse Var RESULT "l." NUMBER .
- /*
- ** Save the current line plus 1 of the log file
- */
- 'Status 57'
- End
- End; Else
- Okay1 "Konnte kein richtiges Logfile finden!"
- /*
- ** The following line should really read "jump to file errnfile" and not
- ** filename, because I have done extra work to get the right directory. But
- ** this information is only in errnfile, which contains an absolute pathname,
- ** and not in filename, which is the parameter supplied by virtex or initex,
- ** usually a relative pathname. CED's current directory is not necessarily
- ** virtex's one. It also seems that CED is not smart enough as to make the
- ** difference between foo:tgmoae/myfile and bar:tgmoab/myfile. If I say
- ** jump to file foo:tgmoae/myfile it may as well jump to bar:tgmoab/myfile,
- ** whichever window comes first.
- */
- 'jump to file "'ERRNFILE'"'
- If 0 = RESULT Then Do
- /*
- ** Not reached with `OW ERRNFILE' above.
- */
- Open new
- Open '"'errnfile'"'
- End
- /*
- ** TODO: another editor may have modified the disk file, or the user
- ** the currently loaded file, while virtex compiled an old version. How
- ** can I get rid of that stupid filerequester in that case? I said "open
- ** errnfile", so why does CED pop up a filerequester (and may put the
- ** user in the wrong directory too)?
- */
- If 0 ~= NUMBER Then
- Beg of line
- Exit 0
- End
- /*
- ** End of CED part.
- */
- /*
- ** Micro(Gnu)Emacs (MG), to be found on AmigaLibDisk352.
- */
- If Show('Port','mg') Then Do
- Address 'mg'
- Options Results
- /*
- ** The following waits until MG is deiconified.
- */
- 'amiga-window-to-top'
- /*
- ** We need to prevent the user from continuing to type and thus
- ** modifying the newly created buffers. I choose the rexx-lock/unlock
- ** method to synchronise with the user because MG3b4 has some cursor
- ** position/display bugs: the cursor may erroneously appear in some
- ** buffer and overwrite it (on the screen only), and not appear in the
- ** bottom line where it belongs.
- */
- If ASKLOAD Then Do
- /*
- ** This is dangerous if this script aborts.
- */
- 'rexx-lock'
- Address Value RESULT
- 'rexx-request "TeX fand einen Fehler. Datei laden? "'
- 'rexx-unlock'
- Address Value RESULT
- If 1 < RETC | Left(Upper(RETS),1) = 'N' Then Do
- 'rexx-display ""'
- Exit 0
- End
- End
- 'find-file "'ERRNFILE'"'
- /*
- ** MG doesn't seem to set the RC value on a find-file.
- */
- 'rexx-buffer' BUF
- /*
- ** buf.1 is the buffer name, buf.3 the number of lines.
- */
- If NUMBER < BUF.3 Then Do
- 'delete-other-windows'
- If "" ~= LOGFILE Then Do
- 'split-window-vertically'
- /*
- ** Now get rid of old logfiles. Here I make sure that I get rid of
- ** every suspicious logfile, because multiple pathes may lead to the same
- ** file, as for example SYS:TeX/sample.log & TeX:sample.log.
- */
- 'rexx-buffer-list' BUFFERS
- Parse Value NameStruc(LOGFILE) With IVOL IDIRS IBASE
- Do I=1 To BUFFERS.0
- If 0 < Index(Upper(BUFFERS.I.FILE),LOGNAME) Then Do
- 'switch-to-buffer "'BUFFERS.I.NAME'"'
- 'not-modified'
- 'kill-buffer "'BUFFERS.I.NAME'"'
- End
- End
- 'find-file "'LOGFILE'"'
- /*
- ** MG doesn't seem to set the RC value.
- */
- 'beginning-of-buffer'
- If 0 ~= NUMBER Then
- 're-search-forward "^l."NUMBER'
- Else Do
- /*
- ** Try to use normal search?
- */
- 're-search-forward "^l."' /* ^ means begin of line */
- /*
- ** If search successfull get current line contents.
- */
- If 0 = RC Then Do
- 'rexx-line'
- Parse Var RESULT "l."NUMBER .
- End
- End
- 'other-window'
- 'rexx-display "Now what''s that error?"'
- End; Else
- 'rexx-display "Konnte kein richtiges Logfile finden!"'
- If 0 ~= NUMBER Then
- 'goto-line 'NUMBER
- End; Else Do
- 'not-modified'
- 'kill-buffer "'BUF.NAME'"'
- 'rexx-display "Konnte fehlerhafte Datei nicht finden!"'
- Exit 5
- End
- Exit 0
- End
- /*
- ** End of MG part.
- */
- /*
- ** Write macros for your favorite editor here.
- */
- Say "TeXedit.rexx: Kein unterstützter Editor aktiv."
- Exit 10
- /*
- ** When will ARexx supply GetEnv/SetEnv?
- */
- MyGetEnv: Procedure
- Parse Arg NAME
- If Open(TEMPFILE,"ENV:"NAME,'r') Then Do
- Call Close TEMPFILE
- End; Else GIVES = ""
- Return GIVES